Would it be possible to load the maximum number of tons for each cargo without losing time? Distributed properly among the axles? Yes, with Golstein’s wireless and accurate axle load weighing systems!
These systems are manufactured in-house and then supplied to a large group of transporters both in the Netherlands and abroad. We offer systems for almost all vehicle configurations, specifically air suspension, leaf suspension, and hydraulic suspension. Or a combination of those. The number of axles and the type of suspension determines the number of sensors and measuring points with the aim of achieving the highest achievable accuracy.
The weighing systems have been developed to serve as a tool at the loading bay to load the correct and/or maximum weight in one attempt. In this way, the maximum number of tonnes and payload are achieved for each cargo without any loss of time.
The wireless handheld also plays an important role in this. This makes it possible to guide and control loading at the location around the vehicle where it is needed and/or wanted.
Over the years, we have already purchased more than 100 systems from Golstein. The fact that the system is wireless and you can connect and change trailers without limitation makes it a user-friendly system. And it is also an accurate system. It works satisfactorily. Our drivers couldn't live without it. Communication with Golstein is also pleasant and they provide good service when necessary.
We take all the time needed to provide you with the appropriate information. Want to know more? Contact Bert at +31 (0)488 - 440755.
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